Dongol, Deepranjan  M.Sc.

Dongol, Deepranjan

Battery Management for Smart Grids with Renewable Energy Sources Based on Predictive Control and Demand-Side-Management
  • Raum: DTR005
  • Am Güterbahnhof 1a, 77652 Offenburg


Akademischer Werdegang

2013 - M.Sc. Power Engineering , Technical Univeristy of Munich , Germany

2009 - BE Electrical and Electronics Engineerng , Kathmandu University , Nepal


11.2014 – Present

PhD candidate at Offenburg University of Applied Science and University Freiburg.

Design and implementation of Battery Management for Smart Grids with Renewable Energy Sources based on Predictive Control and Demand-Side-Management at the Institute of Energy System , Offenburg University of Applied Science.

10.2013 – 12.2013

Internship at ABB Corporate Research Centre, Ladenburg, Germany

Design and layout of a power management test electronic with embedded software developed in microcontroller. Development of thermal model to calculate the expected power output of Thermoelectric Generators with different boundary conditions and implementation in MATLAB along with selection of appropriate Thermoelectric Generators.

04.2013 – 09.2013

Master Thesis at ABB Corporate Research Centre, Ladenburg, Germany

Investigation of heat sinkless thermal energy harvesting techniques in large surface area industrial (oil and gas) pipes using Thermoelectric Generator and creating a basis to compare other emerging heat sinkless thermal energy harvesting techniques.

09.2012 – 02.2013

Internship at ABB Corporate Research Centre, Ladenburg, Germany

Analog Hardware Circuit Development for current sensor based monitoring system of large synchronous motors.

04.2012 – 06.2012

Internship at Texas Instrument, Freising, Germany

Design of Active Cell Voltage Balancing Circuit with power consumption less than 1 mA for cells in series and without the need of external power supply.

