About us
Director of the International Center
Dr. phil.
Director of the International Center
- 0781 205-4884
- alexander.burdumy@hs-offenburg.de
- Room: B030
- Badstraße 24 Offenburg
Member of the International Center
Studiengänge ES, BM, aBM; Studierendensekretariat Graduate School
- 0781 205-395
- claudia.baass@hs-offenburg.de
- Room: E001
- Badstraße 24 Offenburg
- Montag - Freitag 09:00 Uhr - 12:00 Uhr
Dr. M.Sc.
- 0781 205-4928
- barbara.degenhart@hs-offenburg.de
- Room: B022
- Badstraße 24 Offenburg
Graduate School:
Coordinator Master's Program Enterprise and IT Security,
Studiensekretariat MuK, MW-BB und MiB
Coordinator Master's Program Enterprise and IT Security,
Studiensekretariat MuK, MW-BB und MiB
- 0781 205-157
- heike.dietrich@hs-offenburg.de
- Room: D312
- Badstraße 24 Offenburg
- Mo - Do 09:00 Uhr - 12:00 Uhr
Studiengang CME, MBT und MPE
- 0781 205-4964
- renata.eisenmann@hs-offenburg.de
- Room: E001
- Badstraße 24 Offenburg
- Mo - Do von 9:00 - 12:00 Uhr
International Office:
Incoming students
Incoming students
- 0781 205-4800
- denise.emard@hs-offenburg.de
- Room: B034
- Badstraße 24 Offenburg
- Mo - Mi, 9:00 - 13:00 Uhr, Do nach Terminvereinbarung
Graduate School:
Coordinator Master's Program Enterprise & IT-Security,
Website Maintenance and Social Media
Coordinator Master's Program Enterprise & IT-Security,
Website Maintenance and Social Media
- 0781 205-4869
- stefanie.gangl@hs-offenburg.de
- Room: B035
- Badstraße 24 Offenburg
- MO - FR 9:00 - 11:30 Uhr
Organisation und Verwaltung Sprachkurse
Organisation und Verwaltung Sprachkurse
- 0781 205-4856
- andrea.klumpp@hs-offenburg.de
- Room: B022
- Badstraße 24 Offenburg
- MO, DO, FR 08:30-12:30
Graduate School:
Private Accommodations for International Students,
Organization Cultural Program
Private Accommodations for International Students,
Organization Cultural Program
- 0781 205-162
- claudia.michel@hs-offenburg.de
- Room: B033
- Badstraße 24 Offenburg
- Mo - Fr, 9:00 -12:00 Uhr
Graduate School:
Coordinator Master's Program Communication and Media Engineering (M.Sc.)
Coordinator Master's Program Communication and Media Engineering (M.Sc.)
- 0781 205-141
- ulrike.nordau@hs-offenburg.de
- Room: B031
- Badstraße 24 Offenburg
- Mo - Do, 9:00 -12:00 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung
Graduate School:
Coordination of the Master's Programs Process Engineering (M.Sc.) and Biotechnology (M.Sc.)
Coordination of the Master's Programs Process Engineering (M.Sc.) and Biotechnology (M.Sc.)
- 0781 205-4627
- izabela.sosnik@hs-offenburg.de
- Room: B031
- Badstraße 24 Offenburg
- Mo-Fr 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr, und nach Vereinbarung
Graduate School:
Coordination MBA International Business Consulting
Coordination MBA International Business Consulting
- 07803 9698-4468
- kamila.topal@hs-offenburg.de
- Room: 2.05
- Klosterstraße 14 Gengenbach
- Mo - Fr: 9:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Language Center: Organization language courses (esp. English and other foreign language courses), Contact for (new) lecturers (general introduction, how to use specific tools etc.), Quality assurance
- 0781 205-4823
- raphaela.voelkle@hs-offenburg.de
- Room: B033
- Badstraße 24 Offenburg
- Mo-Mi, 9:00-15:30 Uhr
International Office:
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility, Internship abroad, Inter-Institutional Agreements
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility, Internship abroad, Inter-Institutional Agreements
- 0781 205-175
- klara.wehrlein@hs-offenburg.de
- Room: B032
- Badstraße 24 Offenburg
- Mo-Fr ganztägig im Büro
International Office:
Outgoing Students (Partner Universities),
Deputy Institutional Coordinator Erasmus+
Outgoing Students (Partner Universities),
Deputy Institutional Coordinator Erasmus+
- 0781 205-147
- andrea.wilhelmy@hs-offenburg.de
- Room: B032
- Badstraße 24 Offenburg
International Office:
Baden-Württemberg STIPENDIUM, Interns (incoming students), Buddy program (incoming students), Transcripts (incoming students), Summer Schools (outgoing students)
Baden-Württemberg STIPENDIUM, Interns (incoming students), Buddy program (incoming students), Transcripts (incoming students), Summer Schools (outgoing students)
- 0781 205-399
- susanne.ziemer@hs-offenburg.de
- Room: B034
- Badstraße 24 Offenburg
- Di und Do, 9:00 - 12:00 Uhr und 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr