Research and Transfer
Doctoral Work at Hochschule Offenburg
The purpose of doctoral works is to demonstrate thorough and competent work on scientific questions, and to provide answers to these questions. As Hochschule Offenburg is an applied-research institution, impulses for a doctoral research topic often arise from application-related fields.
Our doctoral candidates contribute a significant impetus to the research work carried out at the University. Some of them are part of structured graduate and doctoral research programs, while others pursue individual work with the aim of completing a cooperative doctoral degree at one of our partner research universities in Germany or abroad. They are integrated in various research projects, funded mainly by state, federal and EU grants and scholarships, but also in research proposals financed by industry.
Quality assurance is very important to us. Intensive, individual support is provided by our research-active professors; our doctoral candidates are also actively involved in academic discourse through various working and research groups, both on campus and beyond.
Call for applications: If you are a recent graduate interested in pursuing a doctoral degree at Hochschule Offenburg, please contact the heads of any of our research projects or institutes, the Institute for Applied Research (IAF), or the Prorector for Research to receive more details. Basic prerequisites are a pronounced interest in research and above-average completion of a Master’s degree in a suitable field.
The Doctoral Association BW
Offenburg University of Applied Sciences is a member of the Doctoral Association BW, which was founded in 2022 and exercises the right to award doctorates for universities of applied sciences in Baden-Württemberg. Doctoral students are supervised in four specialist research units at the associated Doctoral Center BW. The professors at Offenburg University listed below are currently professorial members of the doctoral center and can therefore supervise and assess doctoral theses.
In the four research units, the following professors are your contacts:
I) Social, behavioral and economic sciences
Prof. Dr. Oliver Korn [Affectiv and Cognitive Institute – ACI]
Prof. Dr. Thomas Breyer-Mayländer
II) Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Medical Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Hoppe [Peter-Osypka-Institut für Medizintechnik – POIM]
Prof. Dr. rer. biol. hum. Stefan Zirn [Peter-Osypka-Institut für Medizintechnik – POIM]
III) Computer Science and Electrical Engineering - Engineering Sciences 2
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Gasper [Institut für nachhaltige Energiesysteme – INES]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Niklas Hartmann [Institut für nachhaltige Energiesysteme – INES]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marlene Harter [Institute for Unmanned Aerial Systems – IUAS]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Janis Keuper [Institute for Machine Learning and Analytics – IMLA]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Klöffer [Institut für nachhaltige Energiesysteme – INES]
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Schmidt [Institut für nachhaltige Energiesysteme – INES]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Sikora [Institut für verlässliche Embedded Systems und Kommunikationselektronik – ivESK]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Wendt [Work-Life Robotics Institute – WLRI]
IV) Engineering Sciences
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Bessler [Institut für nachhaltige Energiesysteme – INES]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Pfafferott [Institut für nachhaltige Energiesysteme – INES]
Prof. Dr. Thomas Seifert [Prorector Research and Transfer]
All agreements and statutes of the Doctoral Association of Universities of Applied Sciences Baden-Württemberg can be found at (only in German).