Language Center
The Language Center of the University of Applied Sciences Offenburg offers general and technical language, study and job-oriented courses in up to 11 languages. Various certificates, such as the Certificate of Intercultural Competence and the DAAD Test, round off the offer.
Course descriptions
The Language Centre offers semester courses in the following languages and levels:
German (DaF)
- German I A 1.1 (IBC)
- German II A 1.2 (IBC)
- German III A 2.1 (IBC)
- German IV A 2.2 (IBC)
- German V B1.1 (IBC)
- German VII B 2.1 (IBC)
- German A 1.1
- German A1.2
- German A 1.2 (CME)
- German A 2.1
- German A 2.2
- German B 1.1 (S. Ramm-Weber)
- German B1.1 (J. Almert)
- German B 1.2
- German B 2.1
- German B 2.2
- German C 1
- German C 1.2
- Lern- & Kommunikationstechniken
- Grammar tutorial A2/B1
- General English Refresher (B1)
- English for Engineers (B2) (D. Potter)
- Englisch für Medienschaffende (B2)
- Technical English(B2) (B. Elliott)
- Technical English (B2) K. Parr)
- Wirtschaftsenglisch (B2) (P. Dart-Cleiß)
- Business English (B2) (D. Potter)
- Business English (B2) (P. Dart-Cleiß)
- Business English (B2) (K. Halseth)
- Advanced English C1
- Japanese I
- Japanese II
- Japanese III (Block course)
In addition, there are offers such as block courses during the semester break, the summer language course "German as a Foreign Language" and the language café.
Depending on the semester, the courses offered and the course instructors may change.
The current course programme with all information can be found on the News page.
Information on the levels can be found in the PDF Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).