Module manual


General Business Administration

Teaching methods Lecture
Duration 1 Semester
Hours per week 4.0
Classes 60 h
Individual / Group work: 90 h
Workload 150 h
ECTS 5.0
Recommended semester 1. Semester
Frequency Every sem.

General Business Administration

Type Lecture
Nr. B+W0101
Hours per week 4.0
  • Understanding the business organization 
  • Strategy and decision making 
  • Supply chain, logistics and production 
  • Marketing and Sales 
  • Accounting, Finance and Investment 

The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive overview of key elements of the business organization, and to competing theories and models of the firm. It will provide a critical perspective on the main functional areas of business and management including strategy and decision making, logistics and production, marketing and sales, as well as accounting and finance. The course aims to build a foundation of knowledge on the different theoretical approaches to management. On completion of the course, you will be able to understand the evolution of the business organization and management thought, identifying the interconnections between developments in these areas, discuss and compare different models and approaches, and evaluate the significance of contemporary issues in business.


  • Cavusgil, S.T., Knight, G. & Riesenberger, J. (2017) International Business. Harlow, Pearson. 
  • Deresky, H. (2017) International Management. Harlow, Pearson. 
  • Morschett, D., Schramm-Klein, H. & Zentes, J. (2015) Strategic International Management. Wiesbaden, Springer Gabler. 
  • Nickels, W.G., McHugh, J.M. & McHugh, S.M. (2016) Understanding Business. New York, McGrawHill.
