International Business Consulting

The MBA-program IBC prepares for an international career in external or in-house consulting, controlling, or project management within any industry

Modul Manual


Strategic and Marketing Management


Basic knowledge in Business Administration.

Teaching methods Seminar
Learning target / Competences

By the end of the module, students will have developed a critical knowledge and understanding of:

  • The strategic management process for strategy development.
  • Competitive advantage and differentiation as part of the value equation.
  • Evaluation of the external environments.
  • Evaluation of the business enterprise.
  • Marketing strategy, competition, and control.
  • Strategic management of the marketing mix including portfolio management, pricing and innovation.  
Duration 2
SWS 4.0
Classes 45 h
Individual / Group work: 105 h
Workload 150 h
ECTS 5.0
Credits and grades

The group assignment are two projects where each group addresses tasks set out for case studies. Groups present their findings in the form as reports to the Board and answer questions from the audience.

The module grade is factored in 6/90 in the final grade.


Responsible person

Dr. Xinming He

Maximum number of participants 20
Recommended semester 1 and 2
Frequency Every sem.

The content of the module can also be used for the University's own part-time program "General Management".


Strategic and Marketing Management

Type Seminar
Nr. IBC-05-01
SWS 2.0

Because different students will have varying levels of prior strategy and marketing knowledge, we aim to provide a comprehensive introduction to the relevant key strategic management and marketing management theories and concepts. Here marketing issues will be addressed from a strategic perspective. These are linked with industry practice through “real-world” examples that highlight benefits of being market and customer oriented, as well as the difficulties that companies face in a turbulent marketplace.

A key element of this course is that we want you to develop a strategic approach for business management and for marketing: marketing has strategic importance, and has performance implications to businesses. A strategy needs to add to performance. To do so, a firm needs to understand external environment and internal resources/capabilities, and combine both to develop strategies. Superior performance draws on how well a firm develops and implements strategies. Marketing strategies follow these rules to enable a firm to outperform rivals.


Essential texts

Term 1:

Graham Hooley, Brigitte Nicoulaud, Nigel Piercy, John Rudd, and Nick Lee, Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning, 7th Edition, Pearson.

Term 2:

Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Malcolm Goodman, Mairead Brady and Torben Hansen, Marketing Management, 4th European Edition, Pearson.

Useful articles

Barney, J, Ketchen Jr., D. J., & Wright, M. (2011). The Future of Resource-Based Theory: Revitalization or Decline? Journal of Management, 37(5): 1299-1315.

Ellis, PD 2006. Market Orientation and Performance: A Meta-Analysis and Cross-National Comparisons. Journal of Management Studies, 43(5): 1089-1107.

Feng, H, Morgan, NA, and Rego, LL, 2015, Marketing Department Power and Firm Performance. Journal of Marketing, 79(5): 1-20.

Hanssens, DM, and Pauwels, KH, 2016. Demonstrating the Value of Marketing. Journal of Marketing. 80(6): 173-190.

Hunt, SD (2015), The theoretical foundations of strategic marketing and marketing strategy: foundational premises, R-A theory, three fundamental strategies, and societal welfare, AMS Review, 5 (3): 61-77.

Katsikeas, CS, Morgan, NA, Leonidou, LC, Hult, GTM, 2016. Assessing Performance Outcomes in Marketing. Journal of Marketing, 80(2): 1-20.

Moorman, C & Day, GS, 2016. Organizing for Marketing Excellence. Journal of Marketing, 80(6): 6-35.

Peng MW, Wang DYL, Jiang Y. 2008. An Institution-Based View of International Business Strategy: A Focus on Emerging Economies. Journal of International Business Studies 39(5): 920-936

Porter M (1980) Competitive Strategy. Free Press, New York, NY Chapters 1-2
