M. Sc. Renewable Energy and Data Engineering

Study conventional and renewable energy systems, smart grids and the underlying algorithms as well as energy efficiency measures.

Modul manual


Energy Usage in Industrial Processes

Teaching methods Lecture
Learning target / Competences

The students know the essential technologies for energy conversion and storage in industry. They know the boundary conditions for the collection of energy-related data industry. They are able to setup a monitoring platform and to perform a energy flow analysis. Based on the energy flow analysis, they can propose energy efficiency measures.

The students are able to implement an energy management system (e.g. according to DIN EN ISO 50001). The students learn the principles of project management.


Duration 1
SWS 6.0
Classes 90
Individual / Group work: 90
Workload 180
ECTS 6.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

written exam 90 minutes

Responsible person

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Treffinger

Frequency Annually (ws)

Master PDE
