M. Sc. Renewable Energy and Data Engineering

Study conventional and renewable energy systems, smart grids and the underlying algorithms as well as energy efficiency measures.

Modul manual



Teaching methods Seminar
Learning target / Competences

The students are able to understand the main topics, when clear standard language is used and the topic is related to their environment (family, work, ...). They can express themselves fluently in simple language about familiar subjects and personal areas of interest, and they can present these. (Goethe Institute B2).

They are thus able to follow German-language lectures within they study program.


Duration 1
SWS 4.0
Classes 60
Individual / Group work: 60
Workload 120
ECTS 4.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

homework and presentation

Responsible person

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Grit Köhler

Frequency Every sem.

Master PDE
