M. Sc. Renewable Energy and Data Engineering

Study conventional and renewable energy systems, smart grids and the underlying algorithms as well as energy efficiency measures.

Modul manual


Power Electronics and Grid Control

Teaching methods Lecture
Learning target / Competences

The students are familiar with the functionality of power electronic devices for affecting energy flow in power grids.

The students are able to create and implement concepts for the integration of power electronic devices into power grids in order to optimize power flow.

The students can weigh up which form of energy transmission (three-phase current or high voltage direct current) is the most appropriate from a technical and economic point of view under given auxiliary conditions.

The students are familiar with the current concepts for power grid control and planning and can apply them.

The students have an overview on changes necessary in grid infrastructure for the transition to a renewable energies based system.

Duration 1
SWS 4.0
Classes 60
Individual / Group work: 60
Workload 120
ECTS 4.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

written exam 120 minutes

Credits and grades


Responsible person

Wolfgang Biener, Dipl.-Ing.;

Jan Philipp Degel, M.Sc. / Stephan Hähnlein, M.Sc.

Frequency Annually (ss)

Master RED


Leistungselektronik und Netzregelung/Power Electronics and Grid Control

Type Vorlesung/Übung
Nr. E+I2601
SWS 4.0

for Power Electronics:
1) Fundamentals of Semi Conductors
2) DC/DC Conversion
3) Inverter
4) Rectifier

for Grid Control:
1) Active and reactive power in power grids
2) Reactive power compensation
2.1) passive reactive power compensation
2.2) active reactive power compensation
2.2.1) reactive power compensation using three-phase AC power controllers
2.2.2) reactive power compensation using voltage source inverters
2.2.3) flexible AC Transmission Systems
3.) line-cummutated and self-cummutated converters for HVDC transmittion
4.) grid control



Schröder, D.: Leistungselektronische Schaltungen, 3. Auflage, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012

Specovius, J.: Grundkurs Leistungselektronik, 8. Auflage, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2017

Zhang, X., Rehtanz, C.: Flexible AC Transmission Systems: Modelling and Control, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012

Glover, J. Duncan; Sarma, Mulukutla S; Overbye, Thomas J.: Power System: Analysis and Design, fifth edition

Kundur Prabhar; Electric Power Research Institute: Power System Stability and Control
