M. Sc. Renewable Energy and Data Engineering

Study conventional and renewable energy systems, smart grids and the underlying algorithms as well as energy efficiency measures.

Modul manual


Master's Thesis

Teaching methods Lecture
Learning target / Competences

On the successful completion of the Master's Thesis the student shall be able: to elaborate a course of action in order to solve the scientific task definition of the thesis, to become acquainted with the frame of a scientific field within a limited time, to use scientific methods when working on complex problems, to write a scientific report and to defend its chosen procedure and results obtained.


Duration 1
ECTS 30.0
Requirements for awarding credit points

Master's Thesis and presentation

Credits and grades


Responsible person

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Bausch

Frequency Annually (ss)

Master RED


Präsentation und Verteidigung

Type Seminar
Nr. M+V3053


Type Wissenschaftl. Arbeit
Nr. M+V3053